
Carolin Hamm M.Sc.

© Fraunhofer IPT

After completing a banking apprenticeship, Carolin Hamm graduated as an industrial engineer from RWTH Aachen University. In the mechanical engineering department, she specialized in the field of production technology.

Since May 2019, she has been working as a research associate in the "Strategic technology management" department at the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT and took over the management of the "Lightweight production technology" business unit in June 2021. In addition, Carolin Hamm has been a TALENTA speed-up fellow of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft since January 2021.

Recent Publications

Find more publications by Carolin Hamm in the Fraunhofer-Publica.

Publication Type
2023 Supporting Deep Tech Startups to Streamline their Financial Marketing to Different Investor Types
Schuh, Günther; Hamm, Carolin
Journal Article
2022 Methodology for a Startup Lifecycle-dependent Approach of Financing for Investors and Deep Tech Startups
Schuh, Günther; Hamm, Carolin
Conference Paper
2022 Mobilität und Produktion nachhaltiger gestalten
Baum, Christoph; Hamm, Carolin
Journal Article
2021 The Relevance of Fuel Cells for Mobility Applications. Discussion Paper
Baum, Christoph; Janssen, Henning; Brecher, Christian; Schuh, Günther; Aretz, Martin; Hamm, Carolin; Horstkotte, Rainer; Kersting, Marlin; Lee, Sangwook; Masonet, Angela; Müller, Clemens; Nadicksbernd, Maximilian; Panchenko, Ulla; Schenk, Leonard; Scholz, Paul; Voebel, Toni
2021 Adaptation of the Make-or-Buy Analysis for Air Taxi Start-Ups using the Example of Electric Machines
Schuh, Günther; Hameyer, Kay; Hamm, Carolin; Spangenberg, Maximilian; Mönninghoff, Sebastian; Burkhart, Bernhard
Conference Paper
2020 Future Energy Storage Systems for Mobility Applications. Discussion Paper
Baum, Christoph; Janssen, Henning; Brecher, Christian; Schuh, Günther; Hamm, Carolin; Horstkotte, Rainer; Lee, Sangwook; Massonet, Angela; Müller, Clemens; Scholz, Paul; Voebel, Toni
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