Resilience: coping with disruption

Crises such as Brexit, the Corona pandemic, but also climate change or increasing cybercrime are not unforeseeable, but their consequences are difficult to assess. To enable you to operate your business more securely and calmly, it helps to be as well prepared as possible for such events: Some can be averted or mitigated, while with others you can respond flexibly and take precautions to recover as quickly as possible.

Fraunhofer IPT supports you in building up and expanding your crisis resilience in the face of expected and unexpected events.

Improve resilience in the organization – gain crisis security

Good preparation does not protect you from surprises, but it does help you to take the right measures after the initial shock in a calmer and more relaxed manner and to work your way out of the crisis. With a methodical approach that looks at all the necessary aspects in your company from all sides, you ensure that you don't miss anything that could benefit you in the event of a crisis.

Early technology detection

Technology scanning, scouting and monitoring help you to back the right horse in good time. This methodically strengthens your decision-making ability.  



If you know the way, it is easier to reach your goal: Roadmapping helps you to plan your technology deployment step by step and to develop targeted solutions for risks and uncertainties.


Identify and act on risks

Risk management is entrepreneurial duty and life insurance in one, protects your company and promotes responsible action.

Production resilience

Strengthen your production with individual solutions for robustness and efficiency. Find out more about our services for optimizing your production environment.