Publications and technical papers on the research results of the Fraunhofer IPT

The Fraunhofer IPT communicates its research results in a variety of ways: Scientific journal articles, books and contributions to anthologies carry results into the scientific community. Conference contributions, lectures and posters promote personal exchange. Finally, patents and white papers make the knowledge they contain applicable. Special attention is also paid to theses resulting from the supervision of young scientists at the Fraunhofer IPT.

The majority of our publications are scientific journal articles, whose quality is ensured by peer reviews, as well as contributions to trade journals, which offer interested parties from various industrial sectors practical insights into research in production technology.

In total, authors at the Fraunhofer IPT produce more than one hundred publications per year in collaboration with their research partners. The majority of them can be accessed via open access, free of charge and without barriers, in order to actively promote exchange and transparency in science.

Publications of the Fraunhofer IPT

Find information on our research and development results in selected publications.

Publications of the current year

Here you will find current publications of the year 2023.

Search entries

We have compiled various entries into Fraunhofer IPT publications for you: from white papers to dissertations and lectures.

Freshly published: Our latest publications

Publication Type
2025 Automation for Translation and Commercialization of Stem Cell-based Therapies
Shaw, Georgina; Vrijhoef, Bert; Boot, Iris; Herbst, Laura; Hunt, Jason; Creaven, Dale; Barry, Frank; Murphy, J. Mary
2025 Low coherence interferometry for depth monitoring in water jet guided laser micro machining
Kunze, Rouwen
Doctoral Thesis
2025 A data management system for precision medicine
Jacobs, John J.L.; Beekers, Inés; Verkouter, Inge; Richards, Levi B.; Vegelien, Alexandra; Bloemsma, Lizan D.; Bongaerts, Vera A.M.C.; Cloos, Jacqueline; Erkens, Frederik; Gradowska, Patrycja; Hort, Simon; Hudecek, Michael; Juan, Manel; Maitland-van der Zee, Anke H.; Navarro-Velázquez, Sergio; Ngai, Lok Lam; Rafiq, Qasim A.; Sanges, Carmen; Tettero, Jesse; Os, Hendrikus J.A. van; Vos, Rimke C.; Wit, Yolanda de; Dijk, Steven van
Journal Article
2025 A comparison of transformer and CNN-based object detection models for surface defects on Li-Ion Battery Electrodes
Mattern, Alexander; Gerdes, Henrik; Grunert, Dennis; Schmitt, Robert H.
Journal Article
2025 Structure Protects Function: A Multilevel Engineered Surface Modification Renders the Surface of Titanium Dental Implants Resistant to Bacterial Colonization
Garay-Sarmiento, Manuela; Yayci, Abdulkadir; Rutsch, Yannik; El Kadaoui, Hakim; Apelt, Sebastian; Englert, Jenny; Boes, Alexander; Kohse, Martin; Jakob, Felix; Bergs, Thomas; Schwaneberg, Ulrich; Rodríguez Emmenegger, César
Journal Article
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This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

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White papers, trend
reports and studies

Here you will find bundled information on trends and innovations - prepared by ourselves and collected for free download.

Conference Proceedings

The Aachener Werkzeugmaschinen-Kollquium is considered one of the world's most renowned conferences in production technology. Discover the topics of the past years!


Industrial property rights play an important role for the Fraunhofer IPT as an institute of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Find out more about our inventions.



An important goal of the Fraunhofer IPT is the supervision of young scientists. Here you can find the results of our graduates.


Presentations and posters

Our experts regularly give presentations on their research and development results. Find out more in the slide sets and posters.

Book publications

Books by researchers from the Fraunhofer IPT and our partners, in which we have incorporated our expertise, offer a deep insight into our research fields.