High performance cutting – Modern machining in the digital age

We develop technologies and solutions for machining operations all the way along the process chain from process design through real time data collection, extending to consulting and prototype manufacture. We harness all the benefits that come from technological expertise, systems capability and our state-of-the-art machinery to carry out comprehensive and target-oriented research and development projects.

Our areas of particular interest include simultaneous multi-axis milling and turning geometrically challenging components made of super-alloys, ultra-hard steel, lightweight and composite materials as well as special purpose materials. Typical areas of application are in turbomachinery, aircraft and tool manufacture as well as in medical technology. We regard digitalization as a core element in the drive to acquire comprehensive understanding of the process and to secure and consolidate a competitive edge.


Digital Twin

  • Recording machine and sensor data
  • Model-based interpretation of the condition of components
  • Visualization of process and quality-related data

Artificial Intelligence

  • Big Data-Management
  • Data analysis via artificial neural networks/ Deep Learning
  • Process understanding via machine learning

Evolutionary process and product optimization

  • Utilizing evolutionary biological mechanisms in machining
  • Targeted exploration of large-scale solution spaces

Technology application and prototype

  • On-site analysis of technological issues
  • Machine and production concepts
  • Prototyping and project documentation

Process Design

  • Principles of machining and modelling
  • Computer-assisted process planning
    (Computer Aided Manufacturing CAM)
  • Process simulation and optimization

Always well informed

On request we will send you further information about our events and research topics. Please fill out our contact form.

Current research projects

Publicly funded projects allow us to forge new technological paths. This selection of our ongoing projects will give you an idea of the paths we are pursuing.

Completed research projects

A selection of projects we have completed illustrates the development of the technolog-ical subject areas we are addressing now and going forward.

Clusters of Excellence

The Excellence Initiative is a program of the German federal and state governments to promote science and research in Germany. The funding line "Clusters of Excellence" of the Excellence Initiative supports research activities of universities and their partners in various future-oriented topic complexes at one location. The Fraunhofer IPT is a partner of RWTH Aachen University in the following "Clusters of Excellence":

Core Areas of Expertise in Turbomachinery

Engine construction, in particular the manufacture of engine components from materials that are difficult to machine, is one of the long-standing core competencies of our department. Below you will find a selection of our activities in this area.