High-performance materials

Our competencies in the field of production machines include the development of special-purpose machines for high-performance materials and laser systems. We develop production machines for composite engineering and advance the automation of fiber-reinforced plastics processing. With our expertise in laser system technology, we optimize conventional production systems and machines for applications such as sheet metal working via modular laser system upgrades.


Sustainable series production with FRP

We bring the processing of FRP into series production.


Laser system technology

By integrating lasers into machines and systems, we increase the performance of existing processes.

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Sheet metal processing

For sheet metal working, we use targeted heating to improve the performance of cutting and forming processes and, at the same time, the quality of the products.

Current research projects

Publicly funded projects allow us to forge new technological paths. This selection of our ongoing projects will give you an idea of the paths we are pursuing.


Finished projects

A selection of projects we have completed illustrates the development of the technological subject areas we are addressing now and going forward.