Technology transfer turbomachinery – Optimal technology solutions for your business

In many companies, unused optimization potentials in production lie dormant - this is especially true for the integration of additive processes. We develop solutions for many individual technologies, processes and production plants in industry and research in order to integrate non-conventional manufacturing methods into existing process chains. To help you plan your technological investments in the long term, we help you to plan investments for sustainable manufacturing. In addition, we support companies in the small-batch and one-off production, which is predominant in toolmaking, by implementing automation solutions.



Developing optimal production processes for aviation requires a comprehensive understanding of the component in operation and a wide range of manufacturing technologies for the ideal production chain.


Life Cycle Assessment in production technology

We compile the life cycle assessment of your production and identify optimization potentials together with you.



Automation can also help to better utilize machines in small batch and one-off production.


Investment planning

Based on technological, business and strategic requirements, we derive manufacturing concepts and steps for sustainable investments.


Optimizing manufacturing operations

In an individual multi-step procedure, we analyze the status quo and optimize your production according to technological aspects.

Analysis and optimization of CAx process chains

We support you in designing and implementing an individually optimized CAx process chain.

Optimizing process chains

We develop process chains for the efficient use of your resources in single-item and small-batch production.

Always well informed

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