Bio-adaptive Production

The department "Bio-adaptive Production" researches and develops systems and software for the reproducible, automated, cost-effective and efficient production of cells, organoids and other biological material. The Fraunhofer IPT realises the upscaling of biological processes for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry in order to exploit the full potential of laboratory automation and optimise it with Industry 4.0 technologies. The range of services includes automated cell cultivation, differentiation, genome editing and analytics in a closed system. 


Software for Laboratory automation

We develop the matching software and hardware for automated laboratory processes.


Laboratory automation

Customised solutions for a fully automated laboratory environment.


Research projects


The EU project AIDPATH is developing an automated and intelligent system for the production of so-called CAR-T cells, which is capable of producing a targeted and patient-specific cell therapy directly at the point of treatment. 


In the RNAuto project, researchers aim to develop automated production processes for innovative mRNA drugs for sustainable and economical healthcare.



In AutoCRAT, automated cellular robotic technologies are being developed for the implementation of discovery-based stem cell therapy for the treatment of osteoarthritis.


Stem cells are promising candidates for cell therapy. In the EU project AUTOSTEM, a fully automated system was developed to produce cells in a robot-assisted environment.




The project uses standardized and integrated methods for personalized stem cell-based drug prediction to develop test systems for drug testing and pharmacotherapy in the field of neuropsychiatric diseases.


The purpose of the project is to design a manufacturing platform for the automated production of complex joint implants for the regenerative therapy of osteoarthritis-related cartilage defects.