
Dr. Marc Patzwald

Marc Patzwald
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Marc Patzwald has been Head of Department for Technology Management at the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT since May 2021. He studied industrial engineering specializing in mechanical engineering at RWTH Aachen University. He has been a research associate in the department for Technology Management at the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT in Aachen since May 2017 and was responsible for the group for Technology Planning from October 2019 to May 2021. In his dissertation, Marc Patzwald focused on strategy development in a volatile corporate environment. As part of industrial projects, he and his department now support manufacturing companies from all sectors, including the construction, semi-finished products, commercial vehicle or automotive industries, in the strategic management of technological innovations.

Recent Publications

Find more publications by Marc Patzwald in the Fraunhofer-Publica.

Publication Type
2024 From Birds to Businesses - How Economies of Synchronization Boost Business Performance
Schuh, Günther; Bahrami, Kourosh; Borjans, Nicolas; Brockmann, Sören; Grabhorn, Constantin; Düsterbeck, Johanne; Reihlen, Markus; Brennert, Julia; Budweiser, Leonie; Patzwald, Marc
2023 Neue Modularität und Technologie-Roadmapping
Schuh, Günther; Kuhn, Maximilian; Keuper, Alexander; Patzwald, Marc; Schenk, Leonard; Feucht, Michael; Kantelberg, Jan; Rossmair, Georg; Schroth, Herbert; Viethen, Ulrich; Zeller, Paul; Guo, Daojing
Conference Paper
2023 New Modularity and Technology Roadmapping
Schuh, Günther; Kuhn, Maximilian; Keuper, Alexander; Patzwald, Marc; Schenk, Leonard; Guo, Daojing; Feucht, Michael; Kantelberg, Jan; Rossmair, Georg; Schroth, Herbert; Viethen, Ulrich; Zeller, Paul
Conference Paper
2022 ICNAP Study Report 2021
Lossie, Karl; Pothen, Mario; Patzwald, Marc; Studerus, Bastian; Cassel, Leonard; Schuh, Günther; Schauss, Marc; Schmitt, Sarah; Brochhaus, Maximilian; Brandstätter, Tobias Claus; Grunert, Dennis; Schmitt, Robert H.; Kies, Alexander; Heymann, Henrik; Sankal, Talib
2022 Data-driven business models
Patzwald, Marc; Studerus, Bastian; Cassel, Leonard; Schauss, Marc; Schuh, Günther
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2022 Green Growth - Wie Technologiemanagement einen Beitrag zur Nachhaltigkeitstransformation leisten kann
Schuh, Günther; Krebs, Leonie; Becker, Helen; Patzwald, Marc
2022 Entwicklung von Technologiestrategien in einem volatilen Unternehmensumfeld
Patzwald, Marc
Doctoral Thesis
2022 Turbulence-induced Initiation of Technology Strategy Development in a Volatile Business Environment
Schuh, Günther; Patzwald, Marc; Warzawa, T.
Conference Paper
2022 Datenbasierte Geschäftsmodelle - Chancen und Herausforderungen am Beispiel der Batteriezellfertigung
Schuh, Günther; Patzwald, Marc; Latz, Tim; Ismail, Abdus Samad; Holst, Lennard; Frank, Jana; Paproth, Yona
2022 Development of Technology Strategies under Volatility and Uncertainty: A concept for the Continuous-Iterative Analysis of the Firm and its Environment
Schuh, Günther; Patzwald, Marc; Studerus, Bastian
Conference Paper
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