
Tim Geerken M.Sc.

© Fraunhofer IPT

Tim Geerken, class of 1993, studied electrical engineering and information technology with a focus on systems and automation technology at RWTH Aachen University. He completed his studies with a master's degree in 2021. While still studying, he worked as a student assistant at the Fraunhofer IPT, where he focused on machine networking. Since 2021, Tim Geerken has been working as a research assistant in the "Ultraprecision Technology" group at Fraunhofer IPT. Since April 2024, he has been working as a Business Developer in the Innovation Field Optics. In this role, he is mainly involved in the development of industrial projects in the field of optics.

Recent Publications

Publication Type
2024 ICNAP Report 2024
Kies, Alexander D.; Pothen, Mario; Heymann, Henrik; König, Niels; Ortmann, Max; Schmitt, Robert H.; Gilerson, André; Mattern, Alexander; Hellmich, Jan Hendrik; Groß-Weege, Ines; Leutner, Liz; Wichter, David; Bergs, Thomas; Frigge, Alexander; Gauß, Janina; Geerken, Tim; Lanfermann, Andrea; Thanhäuser, Bastian
2023 Decreasing ramp-up durations of ultraprecision machine tools using reinforcement learning
Geerken, Tim; Brozio, Matthias; Brecher, Christian; Wenzel, Christian; Zontar, Daniel
Journal Article
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