Conference  /  March 12, 2025  -  March 13, 2025

7th ICTM Conference

The market for aircraft engines and stationary turbomachinery has changed in the last years significantly. Development cycles and time to market have become shorter due to new engine concepts as well as new applications for stationary turbomachinery.

New solutions are strongly driven by achieving an overall improvement in sustainability like reducing emissions and resource use, during operation phase as well as during manufacturing. Improving sustainability has become a key beside the traditional performance indicators of quality, costs and time for turbomachinery manufacturing to bring new develop-ments into the market.

At the ICTM Conference, top-class keynote speakers will provide insights, discuss market challenges and solution approaches for manufacturing. Further experts from industry and Fraunhofer will focus on how digitized manufacturing environments and innovative process designs (for conventional machining as well as additive manufacturing) can lead to improvements in quality and efficiency considering technological, economic and ecologic boundary conditions.

In 2025, the sessions of the two-day conference focus on:

  • Market view in aviation and stationary applications, the role of the turbomachinery and future requirements for manufacturing
  • Surface integrity
  • Sustainable productions
  • Digitized machining
  • Additive manufacturing