5G and virtual reality for decentralized process monitoring

Press Release /

Many laser-based production processes require strict safety measures to protect machine operators from radiation and harmful emissions. However, these measures make process monitoring more difficult. Together with project partners, the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT in Aachen has developed a digital solution that brings more safety, transparency and controllability to manufacturing: In its virtual reality environment, processed sensor data is displayed in near real time. The additive manufacturing process of laser metal deposition with wire (LMD-w) served as a model process.

Mann mit VR-Brille und Bild von Roboterarm
© Fraunhofer IPT
Process data is combined with tool paths and visualized in a VR application.

The high temperatures, laser radiation and the resulting flue gas and particle emissions require special protective measures for LMD-w, such as safety walls with small, dark-tinted windows. This severely restricts the direct view of the manufacturing process and makes real-time intervention impossible. Errors often only become visible after the manufacturing process is complete, making analysis difficult. The result: an increased scrap rate, which, despite the many advantages of the process, has so far made industrial use of the process unattractive.

Processed process data is transferred to VR glasses

In the “VITAMINE_5G” research project, Fraunhofer IPT and its partners have created a new interface between machine operators, processes and equipment – based on 5G technology. To do this, the researchers at Fraunhofer IPT installed high-performance sensor technology and a 5G infrastructure that enables wireless collection, transmission and processing of process data.

First, the researchers digitally mapped the machine in its individual systems and defined the required sensor technology. The machine components were prepared as 3D models and integrated into a virtual environment. The recorded data was then combined with tool paths developed in the project and visualized in a VR application. Studies with users confirmed the high level of user-friendliness; in addition, a database solution developed in the project also allows users to store data in a structured manner and process the information further.

VR environment for virtual process monitoring

To transfer the large amounts of data in real time, the researchers used the 5G infrastructure of the “5G-Industry Campus Europe” on the RWTH Aachen Campus. A 5G router and several 5G HATs were successfully installed at the Fraunhofer IPT and integrated into the existing infrastructure. Stress tests revealed the maximum transfer rates of the 5G network, while the sensors were adapted for optimized data acquisition and processing. Finally, the process data was transferred to a computer system and could be analyzed in near real time using VR glasses.

Pioneering industrial series production

The results of the research project contribute to significantly improving process monitoring in LMD-w. The database obtained makes the results more reproducible and production more efficient and resilient. This paves the way for industrial series production at the highest level. Companies can also use the findings to integrate VR and 5G technologies into their own manufacturing processes. Future research work should enable interaction with the machine during the ongoing process. This would help users detect errors in real time and intervene before a component becomes unusable.

Project partners

  • Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT, Aachen (coordination)
  • ModuleWorks GmbH, Aachen
  • BCT Steuerungs- und DV-Systeme GmbH, Dortmund
  • Camaix GmbH, Eschweiler
  • Dropslab Technologies GmbH, Aachen
  • Visual Computing Institute, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen
  • Heinz Nixdorf Institute, University of Paderborn, Paderborn


The research project “VITAMINE_5G – Virtual reality environment for additive manufacturing enabled by 5G” was funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Action and Energy (MWIKE) of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia as part of the 5G.NRW funding competition; Project Management Jülich was the project management organization.