In the EU AIDPATH project, the partners from industry and research will build an automated and intelligent facility over a period of four years that is capable of producing targeted and patient-specific cell therapy directly at the point of treatment. In addition, the project addresses the integration of the facility into the hospital environment, taking into account logistics processes as well as data management and data security.
The fairly new CAR-T cell therapy is based on genetically modified T cells. These are the body's own white blood cells that make up part of the immune system. The T cells are taken from the patient's blood for treatment and equipped with a so-called chimeric antigen receptor (CAR). This receptor enables the cells to recognize and destroy tumor cells. CAR-T cell therapy has already been used in Germany for two years and is paving the way for completely new treatment approaches in hematology and oncology. However, much of the time spent on CAR-T cell therapy to date has still been taken up by complex logistics processes from central production facilities and inflexible manufacturing and application schemes. In addition, it has not yet been possible to take into account the individual cell characteristics of the patient, so that the success of the therapy cannot always be guaranteed.
For a patient-tailored therapy with CAR-T cells, the partners in the EU AIDPATH project are relying on artificial intelligence (AI) that incorporates the patient's individual data and biomarkers into the therapy process. This should produce highly potent and optimally adapted CAR-T cell products that target the altered cells in the patient's blood or the tumor. AI technology is also being used to control upstream and downstream production and logistics processes to improve scheduling and resource planning. A key benefit of automated, decentralized production is the potential to shorten production times and make therapy available to patients sooner. Alongside this, costs and utilization of hospital resources can be reduced. Overall, this results in improved access for patients to this form of therapy.
The project is divided into three work areas, in which an intelligent and automated plant for the production of therapeutics will be built over four years. The first work area consists of the automation of the manufacturing processes and the plant networking, in which the Fraunhofer IPT, the Fraunhofer IZI, as well as AglarisCell, Fujifilm, the University Hospital Würzburg, FORTH and the University College of London, among others, will be involved. The second work area deals with the IoT infrastructure, which will be realized by the Fraunhofer IPT, Red Alert Labs and Ortec. The third work area deals with the development and implementation of AI technology, which will involve Fraunhofer IPT, IRIS, FORTH, SZTAKI, Fundacio Clinic per a la recerca Biomedica, Panaxea and Hitachi.
The EU project AIDPATH is funded for four years under the funding code 101016909 from the European Commission's Horizon 2020 funding measure.
More information about the project can be found on the project website:
Jahr Year | Titel/Autor:in Title/Author | Publikationstyp Publication Type |
2025 | A data management system for precision medicine Jacobs, John J.L.; Beekers, Inés; Verkouter, Inge; Richards, Levi B.; Vegelien, Alexandra; Bloemsma, Lizan D.; Bongaerts, Vera A.M.C.; Cloos, Jacqueline; Erkens, Frederik; Gradowska, Patrycja; Hort, Simon; Hudecek, Michael; Juan, Manel; Maitland-van der Zee, Anke H.; Navarro-Velázquez, Sergio; Ngai, Lok Lam; Rafiq, Qasim A.; Sanges, Carmen; Tettero, Jesse; Os, Hendrikus J.A. van; Vos, Rimke C.; Wit, Yolanda de; Dijk, Steven van |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Digital transformation of CAR-T cell therapy - challenges and potential for Industry 4.0 Hort, Simon; Sanges, Carmen; Jacobs, John J.L.; Hudecek, Michael; Schmitt, Robert H. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Elaborating the potential of Artificial Intelligence in automated CAR-T cell manufacturing Bäckel, Niklas; Hort, Simon; Kis, Tamás; Nettleton, David F.; Egan, Joseph R.; Jacobs, John J.L.; Grunert, Dennis; Schmitt, Robert H. |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2023 | Automation in Cell and Gene Therapy manufacturing Drivers and economy of scale Herbst, Laura |
Vortrag Presentation |
2023 | Fully automated CAR-T cell manufacturing system enables process insight and control Herbst, Laura |
Vortrag Presentation |
2023 | Towards automated CAR-T Cell Manufacturing. Keeping up with Technological Advancement Herbst, Laura; Erkens, Frederik; Hort, Simon; Bäckel, Niklas; Nießing, Bastian; Popp, Georg; Franz, Paul; König, Niels; Hudecek, Michael; Rafiq, Qasim; Goldrick, Stephen; Papantoniou, Ioannis; Schmitt, Robert H. |
Poster |
2023 | How can digitalization and automation enable large-scale application of CAR-T cell therapies? Erkens, Frederik |
Vortrag Presentation |
2023 | How can digitalisation and AI improve CAR-T cell manufacturing? Hort, Simon |
Vortrag Presentation |
2022 | Toward Rapid, Widely Available Autologous CAR-T Cell Therapy - Artificial Intelligence and Automation Enabling the Smart Manufacturing Hospital Hort, Simon; Herbst, Laura; Bäckel, Niklas; Erkens, Frederik; Nießing, Bastian; Frye, Maik; König, Niels; Papantoniou, Ioannis; Hudecek, Michael; Jacobs, John J. L.; Schmitt, Robert |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2022 | Process Development and Manufacturing: TOWARDS AUTOMATED CAR-T CELL MANUFACTURING - KEEPING UP WITH TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT Herbst, Laura; Erkens, Frederik; Hort, Simon; Bäckel, Niklas; Nießing, Bastian; König, Niels; Hudecek, Michael; Rafiq, Qasim A.; Papantoniou, Ioannis; Schmitt, Robert |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2022 | AIDPATH - Modular Manufacturing Platform for AI-enabled hospital-based ATMP Production Erkens, Frederik |
Vortrag Presentation |
2022 | AIDPATH - Modular Approach to AI-Enabled CAR-T Cell Manufacturing Erkens, Frederik |
Vortrag Presentation |
2022 | Flexible Steuerungssoftware für die vollautomatisierte ATMP-Herstellung Hort, Simon; Schmitt, Robert |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |
2021 | Automatisierung in der Biotechnologie. Hochdurchsatz-Produktion von neuartigen, zellbasierten Therapeutika durch den Einsatz von Robotern und Industrie 4.0 Biermann, Ferdinand |
Zeitschriftenaufsatz Journal Article |