Green hydrogen will play a decisive role in the energy transition in the future. It will be produced using electrolyzers that convert the mostly renewable electrical energy into hydrogen. However, two obstacles to the widespread introduction of electrolyzer technology remain – the high production costs and the service life of the components. The consortium of the "HyScaling" research project has identified three key objectives that will help to increase the market penetration of alkaline and PEM electrolysis: reducing overall costs, extending the service life of the electrolyzer stacks and increasing production efficiency.
The aim of the project is, therefore, to significantly reduce hydrogen production costs by developing new components, manufacturing processes and designs. In this way, the costs for green, regeneratively produced hydrogen should be reduced by 25% for alkaline electrolysis and by 30% for PEM electrolysis. To achieve this, the project partners are using new materials and architectures that extend the life cycle of the products. The project is dealing with two use cases as industrial application scenarios: the steel industry and the chemical industry, represented by the two Dutch companies, Danieli Corus and Nouryon Industrial Chemicals.
In the HyScaling project, Fraunhofer IPT is developing an integrated bottom-up performance and cost model that quantifies the commercial potential of the project's product and production technology developments. Fraunhofer IPT project team is initially using a basic design for the stacks and systems as a reference. The model can then be used to estimate the hydrogen production costs. In addition, users can analyze and evaluate the impact of the innovations developed by the project partners on the price of hydrogen.
Project coordinator
Institute for Sustainable Process Technology (ISPT)
Project partners
The "HyScaling" project is funded by the "Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland" as part of the "Nationale EZK- en LNV-subsidies, § 4.2.7. Missiegedreven Onderzoek, Ontwikkeling en Innovatie" program.
Funding code: MOOI21USGQU