Empower Green Production
"Empower Green Production" is the guiding theme of the 31st AWK, which will point the way to a value-adding circular economy in four parallel lecture series with a total of twelve technical and keynote lectures as well as eight plenary lectures from science and practice from May 11 to 12, 2023.
This conference proceedings uses numerous concrete examples from current industrial and research projects to describe which technologies and strategies will promote this transformation, how companies can select their individual tools for the change from the wealth of methods available, and which challenges applied production research can specifically support. The four central thematic blocks of the AWK include contributions on high-performance and resilient data infrastructures, on modelling and analyses with the aim of more resource-efficient manufacturing, on scenarios and business models for sustainable value creation, and on technologies and processes for a value-adding circular economy.
This book summarizes the contents of the lectures, makes it avaccessible and intends to inspire the scientific community and the interested specialist audience in the form of an open access publication. Its individual contributions were compiled and elaborated by the staff of the WZL | RWTH Aachen University and the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology IPT together with re-nowned experts and speakers from industry, economy, science and politics.