Our 10 latest publications in the field of life sciences engineering

In the field of life sciences – from medical technology to biotechnology and pharmaceuticals – Fraunhofer IPT drives innovation to meet the high safety and quality requirements of these industries. Our research and development work supports the entire development cycle: from the conception of new products and the adaptation of production strategies to the implementation of advanced manufacturing processes and automated control systems. Our research aims to make production in biotechnology and pharmaceuticals more efficient, flexible and cost-effective through automation and data analysis.

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2023 Polarized Light Imaging in Life Sciences
Nienhaus, Florian; Hoffmann, Kurt; Weltin, Louisa; Nießing, Bastian; Schmitt, Robert H.
Journal Article
2023 Adaptive phase contrast microscopy to compensate for the meniscus effect
Nienhaus, Florian; Piotrowski, Tobias; Nießing, Bastian; König, Niels; Schmitt, Robert H.
Journal Article
2023 LIFTOSCOPE: development of an automated AI-based module for time-effective and contactless analysis and isolation of cells in microtiter plates
Narrog, Florian; Lensing, Richard; Piotrowski, Tobias; Nottrodt, Nadine; Wehner, Martin; Nießing, Bastian; König, Niels; Gillner, Arnold; Schmitt, Robert H.
Journal Article
2023 Optical coherence tomography and convolutional neural networks can differentiate colorectal liver metastases from liver parenchyma ex vivo
Amygdalos, Iakovos; Hachgenei, Enno; Burkl, Luisa; Vargas, David; Goßmann, Paul; Wolff, Laura I.; Druzenko, Mariia; Frye, Maik; König, Niels; Schmitt, Robert; Chrysos, Alexandros; Jöchle, Katharina; Ulmer, Florian; Lambertz, Andreas; Knüchel-Clarke, Ruth; Neumann, Ulf Peter; Lang, Sven A.
Journal Article
2023 Transformative Materials to Create 3D Functional Human Tissue Models In Vitro in a Reproducible Manner
Gerardo-Nava, José Luis; Jansen, Jitske L.J.; Günther, Daniel; Klasen, Laura; Thiebes, Anja Lena; Nießing, Bastian; Bergerbit, Cédric; Meyer, Anna Astrid; Linkhorst, John; Barth, Mareike; Akhyari, Payam; Stingl, Julia Carolin; Nagel, Saskia Kathi; Stiehl, Thomas; Lampert, Angelika; Leube, Rudolf Eberhard; Wessling, Matthias; Santoro, Francesca; Ingebrandt, Sven; Jockenhoevel, Stefan; Herrmann, Andreas; Fischer, Horst; Wagner, Wolfgang; Schmitt, Robert; Kießling, Fabian M.; Kramann, Rafael K.; Laporte, Laura de
Journal Article
2022 Toward Rapid, Widely Available Autologous CAR-T Cell Therapy - Artificial Intelligence and Automation Enabling the Smart Manufacturing Hospital
Hort, Simon; Herbst, Laura; Bäckel, Niklas; Erkens, Frederik; Nießing, Bastian; Frye, Maik; König, Niels; Papantoniou, Ioannis; Hudecek, Michael; Jacobs, John J. L.; Schmitt, Robert
Journal Article
2022 Effiziente Analytik in Labor und Produktion
Janning, Kai; Nießing, Bastian; König, Niels; Schmitt, Robert H.
Journal Article
2022 Model-based process prediction for predictive-reactive scheduling in automated stem cell production
Ochs, Jelena
Doctoral Thesis
2022 AIDPATH - Modular Manufacturing Platform for AI-enabled hospital-based ATMP Production
Erkens, Frederik
2022 Skalierbare Herstellung von ATMPs
Gebken, Natalie; Horbelt, Jessica; Kleine-Wechelmann, Sarah; Ort, Thomas; Puls, Sebastian; Schandar, Markus; Traube, Andreas; Biermann, Ferdinand; Brandstätter, Tobias Claus; Gräfe, Stefan; Herbst, Laura; König, Niels; Schmitt, Robert; Ackermann, Heiner; Diessel, Erik; Lengen, Rolf Hendrik van; Schmidt, Andreas; Braun, Dennis; Hunger, Sandra; Werner, Michael; Boskovic, Dusan; Mendl, Alexander; Graumann, Tobias; Lachmann, Kristina; Mann, Annika; Brehmer, Annika; Dürre, Gregor; Hein, Christoph; Blache, Ulrich; Dluczek, Sarah; Dünkel, Anna; Franz, Paul; Fricke, Stephan; Tradler, Thomas
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