Automation for Translation and Commercialization of Stem Cell-based Therapies

Advanced therapeutics such as stem cell and gene therapies are expensive whether an autologous or allogeneic product is used for patients. There is an imperative to comply with good manufacturing practice for generation of approved products as well as extensive pre-clinical and clinical testing to validate the potential effectiveness of advanced therapeutic medicinal therapies (ATMPs) before use on patients. Minimising costs during the manufacturing process, without a loss of rigour, is a necessary step to enable expansion of the gene and stem cell fields for patient benefit. Manual production incurs significant costs associated with staffing of the facility for example. Even with the most stringent controls, there is also an increased risk of contamination events with human interventions. Closed automated systems where all steps, from receipt of the raw materials to cryopreservation of the final ATMP product, are enclosed in a miniaturised Good Manufacturing Facility can minimise or even prevent contamination events. Use of these and ultimately result in reduced manufacturing costs for patient benefit.
Our white paper shows companies in the field of cell and gene therapy, particularly those focused on ATMPs, how automated manufacturing can make the manufacturing process more efficient, cost-effective, and consistently high quality.
Here you can download our white paper as a PDF free of charge.
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