Corporate Venturing – How to launch a corporate startup?

The white paper "Corporate Venturing - How to launch a corporate startup?" is based on the findings of a cross-industry group consisting of six renowned industrial companies and a number of experts from the Fraunhofer IPT and the INC Invention Center at RWTH Aachen Campus. Together, they examined the challenges and key factors for successful start-ups, which are summarized in this white paper.
In the cross-industry groups, company representatives from various market segments and technology fields meet to discuss and develop key topics. During the cross-industry knowledge transfer and exchange of experience, the partners can learn about best and worst practices in the respective field in open discussions. Experts from the Fraunhofer IPT, the INC Invention Center and from industry support the identification and development of solutions to current challenges and derive company-specific recommendations for action.
Here you can download our white paper as a PDF free of charge.
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