The implementation of classical methods allows an efficient and effective management of risks. This includes raising risk awareness, identifying risks at an early stage and defining and implementing the appropriate measures to manage the risks. The Fraunhofer IPT has many years of experience with proven risk management instruments and methods and has also developed its own methods. For implementation in companies, it has proven to be a good idea to use moderators who accompany risk management processes from integration into existing structures to risk analysis and documentation. They bring technical expertise and experience and also support the company in the operation of holistic solutions.
In industrial practice, qualitative or semi-quantitative methods are often used as part of risk management. Modern risk management enables quantitative risk aggregation. It is characterized by fact-based elements and functional cause-and-effect relationships with which opportunities and risks are viewed holistically. This enables companies to optimally counter future events at an early stage - regardless of whether they involve production processes, procurement processes or project management in production. Data-based approaches make it possible to quantify risks correctly and to make well-founded decisions based on the information gained in order to act preventively.
Profit from data
A wide variety of data can be obtained within the company that can be of importance for risk management. With suitable tools, this data can be used to identify, analyze and evaluate risks. The selection and consolidation of the relevant data is the first step in this process. In modern risk management, the integration of data from the corporate management level and the production level serves this purpose. With its expertise in both data analytics and risk management, the Fraunhofer IPT supports companies in precisely these critical challenges of data selection and integration.
Our range of services
- Risk management and risk analysis for procurement, production and project management
- Risk management according to ISO 31000
- Quantitative, data-based methods for risk management