The 5G mobile communications standard offers extensive potential for networked, adaptive production. 5G offers the possibility of wireless, industrial communication for completely new production approaches with high flexibility and transparency. However, the introduction of this technology, which is novel for industrial communication, also carries risks that can be decisive for manufacturing companies not to integrate 5G.
The 5G-Sierra research project addressed these risks and developed solutions to improve cybersecurity for 5G in manufacturing companies.
The interdisciplinary consortium of companies from manufacturing, cybersecurity, mobile technology, and academic partners addressed the risks posed by 5G through systematic developments in prevention, detection, and response, and validated them against industrial use cases that exemplify the wide range of threat scenarios in a manufacturing environment. In one human-centric and one machine-centric use case, the developed technologies were validated in demonstrators in a vivid and realistic way. For this purpose, the consortium accessed the production environment of the Fraunhofer IPT and the unique 5G infrastructure of the 5G-Industry Campus Europe (5G-ICE). The goal of the research project was to design and implement solutions for risk prevention, detection and response, which would help to establish standardization approaches and security concepts and thus promote the safe industrial deployment of 5G and 6G.
Funded by the German Federal Ministry for Information Security under grant number 01MO23016G.