(off.: Device- und kontextabhängige Informationsverdichtung für Werker-Assistenzsysteme)
Smart devices have established themselves in our everyday lives. In the production environment, they are used as intelligent worker assistance systems to provide employees with the information they need to support them in their work. In the age of Industrie 4.0, employees are faced with the challenge of working flexibly and economically successfully with even shorter product lifecycles and at the same time a greater number of variants. In order to relieve the employees during their work by the system and not to overwhelm them with unclear or incomplete data, the presentation of the assistance information must be adapted and optimized for the concrete device in the respective application context. This is known as device- and context-dependent information aggregation.
The goal of "DAISY" is to define design rules for device- and context-dependent information aggregation when using worker assistance systems. To this end, the Fraunhofer IPT is developing recommendations and rules for the presentation of relevant process information. In addition to technical characteristics such as the display size of different smart devices, we take into account different industrial application scenarios such as assembly, quality assurance, service or logistics. At the same time, device- and application-dependent available and suitable data formats such as audio, video, text, PDF or drawings are included in the design rules. Thus, a beta version of a software is to be created that will enable process planners to design assistance information for the use of existing software systems in a clear and comprehensible way. With this support, employees of manufacturing companies can learn manual processes faster, reduce error rates and shorten processing times.