Lightweight components are gaining in importance in EU key industries with good market growth potential (aerospace, automotive, power generation, medical technology etc.). To achieve weight reductions, complex thin-walled structures are combined with high strength materials.
Due to the low stiffness, the challenges in machining thin-walled work pieces include dynamic excitation by the tool engagement as well as static work piece displacements due to milling and clamping forces. The chosen machining strategy is crucial to obtain good surfaces and a shape within the given tolerances. For this purpose, adaptive clamping systems as well as a fundamental understanding of the milling process are necessary.
To overcome these challenges in the future, DynaMill aims at achieving the complete control over the milling process of thin-walled work pieces. This will be realised through a threefold approach combining the development of process planning, adaptive clamping devices and improved cutting conditions. Subsequently, these three developments will be integrated in the DynaMill Technology as a platform.
This project was funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework (FoF.NMP.2012-4).