Innovative industrial services are one of the most important factors for entrepreneurial success, as studies by the Fraunhofer IPT have shown. At the same time, however, these studies also show that the innovation process in many companies is underdeveloped, particularly in terms of organization. Although the will to develop unique selling propositions through innovative approaches and thus to secure the company's success in the long term is clearly evident in most companies, the process of innovation is not always easy. However, the internal connections between strategic planning, process control, organizational structures as well as employee and customer integration are not sufficiently considered as risk factors. The same applies to external risk factors that lie outside the company, such as the competitive situation and customer acceptance.
The aim of "ServRisk" is therefore to develop an analysis and procedure model that supports more effective service management. For this purpose, integrated control loops are being developed that serve quality assurance and are suitable for initiating innovations with minimal risk. Special emphasis is placed on the role of the customer contact person and the systematic feedback of information from customer contact. The practical implementation of the control loops with project partners from both the business customer and the end customer sector (Business to Business - B2B; Business to Customer - B2C) gives the project a comprehensive dimension with an overarching system.
RHIEM Services GmbH
aixTeMa GmbH